Tuesday, July 25, 2006

my strongest political rant . . .

would be this.

Go vote today!!!!!

I heard from my state Senator last night, wondering why I had not posted more on this "new" blog site. Good question. Short answer - I've been wrapped up in too many things, and I suspect as the summer winds down and the fall ensues, I will be able to invest a little more energy on this site.

But here is the rant for today. Go vote. It is primary day in Oklahoma, and by most preliminary estimates, 10 - 15% of the registered voters will cast ballots. That's the registered voters. I consider voting privilege to be closer to a responsibility. I don't operate from the "If you don't vote, you can't gripe" theory - my opinion on this one is a little more stringent - something more akin to "YOU DIDN'T VOTE WHY????

If you haven't already, go vote today. If you haven't registered, stop what you're doing right now and head over to the County office to register, and then start paying attention to what is going on, and get involved. It's your responsibility. Cynicism isn't a valid excuse. Lack of interest isn't either. It is perhaps the greatest responsibility we have as citizens of this country and this state.


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